Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Dynamic IP configuration

Hi, everyone,

After long time, it’s time for sharing some knowledge with you. Today I’ll go through the one of the hates interesting fields most students who study in information technology area. I know the Networking is a little bit complex study area, but believe me when you catch the correct way to configure something in this field, it would be the most interesting thing ever you feel in your student life. 

Today we’ll go through the small interesting area, call Dynamic IP configuration, another word DHCP configuration.  
In larger networks, we know it’ hard to configure each PC one by one manually or else in the technical word static IP configuration is hard in the very large and complex networks. For avoiding these kind of issues we can use DHCP configurations. 

For illustrating purpose I’ll use Cisco Packet trace simulator, I didn’t wish to introduce this amazing simulator at this time, but without deep knowledge you can play within this simulator it’s 100% user-friendly! You can simply drag and drop devices and use it. I think most of student who study in networking field familiar with Cisco Packet trace.

Before DHCP configuration you should complete three preconditions.

1.      Establish a physical connection using correct tools/wires/devices.

Here’s the network I designed using the simulator

2.      Configure router interface which is connected with LAN segment.
I’ll use IP form IP slot for configure this interface.        

Here’s the code which is use for configure router’s interface
3.      Exclude the set of IP address for servers. 

Usually we didn’t configure dynamic IPs for servers, it would lead to security issues for avoiding these kind of security issues we must configure servers using the static IP configuration method, At this time we didn’t go to configure servers. So for the future purpose, we will reserve same IP address from our IP address slot. In this scenario we reserved 9 IP address from our IP address slot (

Here’s the reserved IPs

Here’s the code using for exclude above IP address from IP slot

Router(config)#Ip DHCP excluded-address

Then you can follow the following steps for DHCP configuration. 

DHCP configuration can do by following 3 easy steps, follow the steps with me, and believe me it’s not much harder you think.

1.      Name the DHCP pool name
We can use any word without space. That word is the name of our DHCP pool. I’ll use ‘IP_DHCP_POOL’ word for named my DHCP pool.

Router(config)#Ip DHCP pool IP_DHCP_POOL

2.      Set the network and it’s subnet mask
I’ll use the network IP slot


3.      Set the default router path
As you can remember, the preconditions I completed in first three steps I configured the router’s LAN segment side interface using IP. This is the default router, gateway I should for this step.


Here we go, we done!

Now you can go to PC’s IP configuration mode and the put the tick mark to the DHCP, It will automatically configure your PC regarding configuration which is configured in above mentioned steps. 

** It will use IP’s from the IP slot skiing the excluded IPs. Also, it follows the first come, first serve (FCFS) method for the PC configuration stage. When you click fist PC it will configure 1st IP available from IP slot, then second PC for a second IP likewise. It doesn’t consider the interface port label or anything.   


Denuwan Himanga.